Publish Time: 2020-11-05     Origin: Site

The formation of the foam for polyurethane foaming machine must have both the blowing agent aqueous solution and air, both of which are indispensable. Next, Hightop Machinery will analyze why the polyurethane foaming machine produces foam indispensable for these two points!

The liquid film surrounding the gas will not form and there will be no bubbles. And without gas, only the foaming agent aqueous solution, bubbles can not be formed. In the bubble formation system, the foaming agent aqueous solution is the dispersion medium, and the gas is dispersed in the liquid to form bubbles, and then numerous bubbles form the foam. The basic principle of the foaming machine is to introduce gas into the foaming agent aqueous solution in a certain way. The change of different models is that the way of introducing the gas is different. According to the way of introducing gas, the foaming machine can be divided into four types: low-speed stirring type, high-speed impeller type, high pressure and medium and low pressure type.

The above briefly describes the necessary conditions for the production of foam by the polyurethane foaming machine. For more information on polyurethane, please continue to pay attention to the polyurethane manufacturer Hightop Machinery.

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