Publish Time: 2021-01-29     Origin: Site

There are many types of foaming machines on the market. In order to facilitate buyers to choose foaming machines accurately, let's talk about the selection method of foaming machines.

1. Fully understand the type of foaming machine

Although the basic principle of the foaming machine is to introduce gas into the foaming agent aqueous solution, the method of introducing gas is different for different types of foaming machines. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of various types of foaming machines plays a crucial role in accurately selecting foaming machines for producers.

For example, the low-speed mixing type relies on slow-rotating blades to introduce gas, and the bubble production value is small, and the foaming power is low; the high-speed impeller type relies on the high-speed rotating impeller to introduce gas, the bubble diameter cannot be controlled, and the bubble is uneven; high pressure and medium and low pressure types The bubble production speed is fast, the power is high, and the bubbles are uniform and fine.

2. Carefully grasp the fundamental technical parameters of the foaming machine

As far as the producer is concerned, it is not enough to only understand the model and the foaming principle. It is also necessary to understand several main technical parameters of the foaming machine to determine whether it is satisfied with the production request.

1) Production value: The production value is the foam production volume. This volume must be slightly higher than 20% of the self-required foam volume in order to leave room. The foam production volume should be the lower limit as the basis for verification and accounting, not the upper limit.

2) Installed capacity: Installed capacity is the total installed power. This parameter is of major significance for calculating the adaptability of electrical circuits to total power consumption.

3) Equipment size: This parameter is a necessary element of the overall plan of the workshop.

4) Bubble diameter scale: Usually, it should be compared according to the requirements of the detailed product for the bubble diameter.

3. Carefully understand the foaming quality

To determine the foaming quality of the foaming machine, there should be three main aspects, namely, foam fineness, foam uniformity, and foam bleeding.

Foam density: refers to the size of the bubble diameter. The smaller the bubble diameter, the finer and dense the foam, the better the stability of the foam, the higher the strength of the product, and the better the insulation function.

Foam uniformity: It means that the size of the bubble should be uniform. The more uniform the size of the bubble, the narrower the distribution, the more uniform the stress on the product, and the better the application effect.

Foam bleeding: refers to the amount of foaming agent aqueous solution that occurs after the foam breaks. The lower the foam bleeding, the lower the water content of the foam method, which clarifies the better the foaming function of the foaming machine.

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