Talking about the development history of sprayers

Publish Time: 2021-09-29     Origin: Site

No need of oil, no noise, with your back behind, pressing the switch, a huge fan of liquid medicine sprayed towards the target. Now, the fourth generation sprayer and stretcher sprayer.

In the collective era of the last century, farmers planted a single field. The last crop of wheat or rapeseed, and the middle and next crops were mostly rice. In addition to melons, the cash crops may be cotton and soybeans. The electric sprayer at that time was a cylinder with a height of 80 cm and a diameter of about 25 cm. When spraying the medicine, put it on the ground and put it on your back. When the gas is exhausted, the mist surface of the liquid medicine becomes smaller, put it on the ground and put it on your back again... and so on. It takes time and effort, and can't take a few buckets of medicine for a long time.

With the continuous increase in the area of multiple cropping and the increasing number of pests and diseases each year, the number of sprays has also increased; especially for large-scale farmers with more than 20 acres, such a sprayer is no longer suitable for reality. Since 1994, some farmers and big growers who are busy working as a part-time worker have spent nearly one thousand yuan to buy the third-generation sprayer, which is also the first-generation motorized sprayer.

Spraying with a motorized sprayer not only improves production efficiency and reduces labor intensity. It takes only an hour for five or six acres of grain and crops, and the wind, mist, and liquid medicine can spray four or five meters away. ! Behind him, the machine roared, urging to move forward quickly, like a passionate production concerto. More spirit!

In the new century, peasants, inspired by the party's policies, are enjoying the convenience brought by scientific and technological achievements. As the main agricultural sprayer for pest control, it has become a waste of social development due to loud noise, smoking and environmental pollution. Since 2007, a new type of energy-saving and environmentally friendly electric sprayer has quietly entered the homes of ordinary people.

This sprayer can be said to be convenient, energy-saving, plastic shell, lightweight and corrosion-resistant, and its efficiency is not worse than that of a motorized sprayer. No oil, no noise, with his back behind, pressing the switch, a huge fan of liquid medicine sprayed towards the target.

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