Publish Time: 2020-09-24     Origin: Site

What factors determine the construction temperature of polyurethane spray materials when they are used on external walls? The construction work of polyurethane materials is not instantaneous. After certain external factors meet the requirements, it can be sprayed smoothly. Next, Hightop Machinery will talk to you-what is the temperature suitable for polyurethane exterior wall spraying?

The suitable temperature for polyurethane spray insulation construction is 10°C-40°C. After all, the lower the temperature, the lower the reaction speed of the on-site spray foam, which will increase the shrinkage rate of foam molding. At this time, the size of the foam spray will be smaller. This will cause a great waste of raw materials. Then the higher the temperature, the larger the spray foam, which can effectively save raw materials.

The foam sprayed when the ambient temperature is 15°C is more than 25% smaller than the foam sprayed when the ambient temperature is 25°C, so the spraying cost will be greatly increased at this time. Choosing an appropriate temperature for polyurethane spray insulation construction is definitely more cost-effective. After all, the chemical reaction temperature of the product in the equipment is the same, and the environmental temperature that affects its reaction speed is the key, so spraying construction should better control the change of environmental temperature.

The above is the introduction and precautions for exterior wall spraying construction of polyurethane materials. For more information about building polyurethane exterior wall insulation materials, please call Hghitop Machinery. +86 5373151560


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