Polyurethane foam machine control temperature is very strict
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Polyurethane foam machine control temperature is very strict

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-07-24      Origin: Site

Polyurethane temperature is too high when the reaction is violent and not easy to control easily injected into the larger box of the bubble liquid performance is not uniform, the beginning of the injection of the bubble liquid has been a chemical reaction, the viscosity increases rapidly after the injection of the bubble liquid has not yet reacted.

Lead to after the injection of the bubble liquid can not be injected into the first bubble liquid pushed to the forefront of the box foaming process, the emergence of the box localized empty bubble phenomenon Black and white material in the foam should be processed at a constant temperature before the control of the foaming temperature of 18 ~ 25 ℃.

Polyurethane foaming machine preheating furnace temperature should be controlled at 30 ~ 50 ℃, foaming mold temperature should be controlled between 35 ~ 45 ℃ Foaming mold temperature is too low, the bubble liquid system mobility is poor, curing time is long, the reaction is not complete, the emergence of air bubbles.

When the temperature of foaming mold is too high, the plastic liner will be deformed by heat, and the reaction of foaming liquid system will be intense. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly control the temperature of the foaming mold and the ambient temperature of the foaming furnace. Especially in winter, every morning to open the line must be on the foam mold, preheating furnace, foam and box and door preheating for more than 30 minutes. In summer, after foaming for a period of time, the foaming system must be cooled down.